A dietary protein deficiency can impair immune function and increase your susceptibility to infectious diseases.

A deficiency of dietary proteins has long been known to impair immune function and increase your susceptibility to infectious disease. However, only in the past 15 years have we begun to learn more about the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that help our immune systems function normally.

Protein malnutrition reduces concentrations of most amino acids within the body. These proteins comprised of amino acids are essential for cell growth, rejuvenation, repair and bio resynthesis for overall well being.

Findings from recent studies indicate an important role for amino acids in immune responses by regulating: (1) the activation of T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, natural killer cells and macrophages; (2) cellular redox state, gene expression and lymphocyte proliferation; and (3) the production of antibodies, cytokines and other cytotoxic substances. Increasing evidence shows that dietary supplementation of amino acids and proteins in humans can bolster the immune system and help protect against viruses and other infectious diseases.

Because of a negative impact of imbalances on nutrient intake, we should all ese effective strategies for maximum health benefits. Taking advantage of existing knowledge on the biochemistry and physiology of amino acids and their roles in immune responses can greatly improve the nutritional and pathological states of individuals and their bodies response to infections.

Ref: Li, P., Yin, Y., Li, D., Woo Kim, S., & Wu, G. (2007). Amino acids and immune function. British Journal of Nutrition, 98(2), 237-252. doi:10.1017/S000711450769936X