Keto Diet for Anti-Aging and Rewinding the Biological Clock
The history of ageing research is littered with unfulfilled promises of potential fountains of youth that failed to make the leap to humans. More than a decade ago, David Sinclair caused a stir by suggesting that compounds — including one found in red wine — that activate proteins called sirtuins could boost longevity. Although he and others continue to study the links between sirtuins and ageing that were originally observed in yeast, the notion that such compounds can be used to lengthen human lifespan has not yet been borne out, and has become controversial.
Researchers claim to have reversed ageing in a laboratory setting, and it has long been believed that if we understand the causes of ageing, it may be possible to reverse it.
Researchers think that this effect may depend on rewinding the ‘biological clock’ which marks the age of cells, suggesting that the cells in the eye have been made functionally younger. Read more on this story:
With our extensive research into recovery, nutrition and self-healing using fundamental bio-foods and nutrients as natural remedies, the question remains; can one slow down the signs of ageing in order to help us feel both mentally and physically stronger as we age.
Many years of analysis, research and published papers, have led us to clearly see direct links in these areas that benefit us as we grow and age. We have created products that are natural and utilise unique blends of micro and macro nutrients and essential elements proven to aid rejuvenation, recovery and possibly even slow down the ageing process.